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Larry and I

Do you believe in destiny? This blog is all about my love and my boyfriend, Larry. Although I don't know how is our love in future but I just want to keep our memory forever and ever.

Friday, January 11, 2008

I can not make him happy

May be I have to go because I can not make him happy. Nearly 2 years we are couple but I don't know how many time he feel happy to be with me. In 1 year and nine months, we got through so many things together but most of the time he choosed to be suffered because want to see me happy.

He should to support me to be flight attendant although he has to flight with his own feeling a lot. He know what will happen to my health if I'm the flight attendant. But it's my dream so he have to support me no matter what.

I always see his eyes sad because I did something wrong. I can see how he was suffer by the thing I said. I know he try so hard for making me happy.

He bought compter and did all internet access because don't want me be lonely when I'm far from home. He try to be with me when I want someone. He try to listen and understand all the crap things I said. He try to find the new job because want us to be together.

And what I do for him......I be more evil...make him sad and nurvous......he has to spend a lot of money because of my demand. I make him feel bad. I make him feel sad and I have never understand what he want..... That's me

May be I should go.....May be if he know a new girl he will be more happy.....May be other girl know how to take him more than stupid girl like me............


  • At 10:31 PM, Blogger Cal_el said…

    Dear, I am not as good as you paint me and you are not as bad as you paint yourself. The point is, I am glad at least you do understand what I am doing for you and appreciate it. You did a lot for me too. And al these things aren't that bad dear. Anyway take care. Seems like you had a few days of bad days haha

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