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Larry and I

Do you believe in destiny? This blog is all about my love and my boyfriend, Larry. Although I don't know how is our love in future but I just want to keep our memory forever and ever.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Love and Expectation

Love is not sad or somethig is bad.
Love has only a good thing for each other.
The bad things between couple are not happended by love.
but they are happended by expectations.
Many people think love can do everything.

Is it true?

Expectation can happen with every couples.
What will happen if they have different expectations?
If you do something for your lover but that thing was not the one your lover expected,
That thing will be useless.
And you will feel upset because you tried a lot but you didn't get anything back.
You should not think, you are only giver and your couple are only receiver.
Because sometime your lover had gave something to you but that thing was not the
thing you want, so you forgot that and it was usless for you too.
When 2 persons have different opinions and have too high expectation, then lover will be suffered.

Love doesn't want expectation. You should do when you want to do.
And you should do without want any feedback.
And you should receive when your lover want to give that to you by himself/herself.


  • At 2:54 AM, Blogger Cal_el said…

    I have love for you dear but some how I was trained to build up the world for other ppl. Seems like real far for me still


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